Looking for a Job? A Career?

With the end of the academic year coming to a close, lots of students are seeking work. Some will be more successful than others. Why?

Whether it is a summer job, part-time work to supplement student loan funding, or the first steps in establishing your career, finding that opportunity is a combination of being in the right place at the right time and having the skills, knowledge and ability to become the candidate of choice. While the former is a product of effort and initiative, the latter is a product of education. The difference between settling for a part-time job at minimum wage and achieving a career with above-average salary and room to advance is getting the right education.

The right education is available at The University of Winnipeg Division of Continuing Education (UWDCE). UWDCE is a leader in preparing post-secondary students and adult learners in areas of employment growth.

Canadian HR Reporter (June 14, 2010) noted that the recent labour market downturn has resulted in a decline in employment rates particularly for Aboriginal people. In Manitoba, the Premier’s Advisory Council on Education, Poverty and Citizenship, announced May 27, 2010, will be looking for the best ways to ensure more Manitobans complete education and training leading to better jobs. Contact UWDCE today to investigate the training opportunities we have that can lead to your career.

Debra Wutke, Program Coordinator
Professional Studies Contract Training & Partnerships
University of Winnipeg Division of Continuing Education
Tel: (204) 982-1167
Email: d.wutke@UWinnipeg.ca
Web: dce.UWinnipeg.ca
Web: dce.UWinnipegCourses.ca

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